The most useful thing I've learnt about has probably been Zotero, as it has applications for both the Education library and my own work. I also enjoyed learning how to use things like Flickr and Slideshare, as well as LibraryThing. Out of everything my least favourite was Twitter, but that may be because of the prejudices I already held against it! But I'll definately be using Zotero again.
Perhaps the most significant thing I've got out of this though has been the impact of social media on modern library services. I think that it's important for library services to at least be aware of the pros and cons of social media, even if they don't actively use such a platform. Libraries just need to find out what works best for them.
As a library we will be taking quite a lot from the 23 Things programme. We are thinking about the possible use of Flickr, Delicious and Facebook to help bring web 2.0 technologies to our readers. But at the very least we are now aware of just how much there is out there!