Thursday 10 June 2010

Google calendar

I've now set up my Google calendar. Much like Doodle, it's dead easy to use and I can completely understand why people use it. But again (and I think I'm starting to sound like a right killjoy...) I can't see myself making much use of it. Certainly not on a personal level anyway - I've got a paper calendar at home that's well used and if I'm out of the house I tend to use the calendar on my phone.

However I think this could be very useful for libraries, and the fact that lots of other libraries make use of it on their web pages shows that it has some very practical applications. It's nice to have events and opening hours in one place. And I guess that if you have a lot of meetings to go to (which I don't) then it can be very handy to have it on the web instead of a diary that you have to carry round.


  1. Hi Heather,

    I think we could use Google Calendar for listing inductions in the Michaelmas Term - do you think this would be more useful than adding them to the Weekly Sheet? I've just blogged about this!

  2. I think that would be a good idea, although I do think the weekly sheet is handy to have as a quick guide at the issue desk!
