Thursday 17 June 2010

Twittering away....

I have to say I've always avoided Twitter like the plague. I have quite a few school and uni friends who use it religiously to tell everyone what they've had for breakfast and why the don't want to go to work, etc etc. And without wanting to hurt anyone's feelings, to be honest I don't see the point of it (and don't care either...).

However I have given it a go for the purpose of the 23 Things and will try to keep an open mind. At Education we do have a Twitter page (edfaclib) which we use to advertise opening hours. I think it can be a good thing for libraries to use as it's another way in which we can keep in touch with readers (and generally the more options the better!). But I think we do have better and more efficient ways of keeping in contact with readers - CamTools is more useful as all the relevant information is in one place and it can be tailored to the needs of different user groups.

Having had a look at a few profiles, I have to say that I don't think it's the most intuitive thing to use either. But maybe that's just me not really knowing what I'm doing!

In summary, I think Twitter can be very useful if you've actually got something to say. But you do have to filter out an awful lot of rubbish to get to the good stuff.

And it has given me a good excuse to find a cute picture.....

Oh and my twitter page (is that what it's called?) is hrs23things. Not that I shall be tweeting much...

1 comment:

  1. I seem to have had a very similar experience to you I think when it comes to Twitter, except I didn't end up with such a cute picture!
